business document translation

Business Document Translation for Aston Martin

Business document translation for Aston Martin Boston, MA – Language Connections, one of the most trusted language service companies in the US, has offered business document translation to our clients for nearly 30 years.  We’ve been supplying professional business document translation services for one of our oldest and largest clients for years: Aston Martin.  Here’s how…

ComCom Conference 2019

A Legal Translation Services Company Sponsors the MBA’s Annual ‘ComCom’ Conference

A Legal Translation Services Company Sponsors the MBA’s Annual ‘ComCom’ Conference Boston, MA – Language Connections, a leading legal translation agency, has been providing meticulous legal interpreting services for close to three decades.  As an experienced legal translation company, we are thrilled to act as a sponsor for the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Annual Complex Commercial…

brochure translation

Brochure Translation for a Prestigious University Program

Brochure Translation for a Prestigious University Program Boston, MA – Language Connections, one of the oldest language service companies in the US, has provided brochure translation to our clients for the last three decades.  Most recently, we provided professional business translation services to help a prestigious university advertise a well-regarded corporate training program held in South…

Video translation

Video Translation for Company Trainings

Video Translation for Company Trainings Boston, MA – Language Connections, one of the best language service companies in the US, has offered video translation to our clients for the last three decades.  Most recently, Language Connections did an eLearning translation for a janitorial company, providing education translation services for a training video for their Spanish-speaking staff.…