At the beginning of this century, many companies didn’t think they needed patent translation services simply because few of them thought of going global.
However, this is not the case today. Thanks to economic globalization, even small businesses can go global. Because many products are produced, sold, or marketed abroad, different countries have established different jurisdictions to protect inventors. As business transactions become increasingly international, patent translation services are needed for various industries.
Here are three industries that need global translation services most:
1. Patent Translation Services In High-Tech Businesses
It is well-known that high-tech industries file massive numbers of patent applications yearly. According to the patent 300 list, IBM has led U.S. companies in the number of patents received annually; in 2021 alone, IBM filed 8,540 patents. High-tech companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Dell also dominate the top of the list. These technology companies are growing rapidly in the era of globalization. They sell products worldwide and have become big names in the United States. One of the reasons for their success is that they invest a lot in product development and design, then apply for patents. Patents allow tech companies to prevent other businesses from exploiting their technology so that they can enjoy the exclusive commercial benefits for an extended period of time (usually 20 years).
2. Patent Translation Services In Pharmaceutical Industry
Unlike other industries, developing a new drug in the pharmaceutical industry is a long process. From its early conception to its final approval from health authorities, a new treatment requires an average of 10-15 years of development. The process is complex, time-consuming, and expensive.
This is a risky investment for companies. Therefore, patents ensure a return on investment and encourage them to continue innovating new drugs.
Since medicines are often sold worldwide, correct patent translation services are essential for the pharmaceutical companies to protect their research and enable them to contribute more to society.
3. Patent Translation Services In Law Agencies
Lawyers and law firms often need legal translation services. Many individual inventors or small companies cannot afford an on-site legal department and go often go to law agencies for patent services.
However, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, about one-fifth of U.S. residents speak another language at home and 41% of them cannot speak English very well. Interaction between customers and law firms becomes difficult when information is not made available in a language familiar to them, whether through translation or interpreting services.
In these cases, for law firms, hiring professional translation services is vital. Patent documents have to be translated precisely; even a tiny mistake can change the whole meaning of a document and lead to problematic legal situations.
Additionally, compared with ordinary translation types, legal translation involves more professional fields, many professional terms, strict language, and a relatively fixed text format. Based on these characteristics, patent translators must master languages and be familiar with the professional terminologies of related industries.
About Language Connections:
Language Connections is one of the top language service companies in the US. Over the last 30 years, we’ve focused on providing the best business translation services, interpreting services, as well as interpreter training and customized language training programs. In addition to top-tier corporate language training, we offer certified corporate interpreters and professional business translation services in 200+ languages. Our network includes linguists with backgrounds in all major industries. They’re ready to meet your needs, whether they’re for technical translation services, legal translation, government translation services, international development translation services, education translation services, life sciences translation, or something else. Reach out to us today for a free quote on our cost-efficient and timely translation services, interpreters, or other linguistic services.
Language Connections Inc.
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Boston, MA 02135
Phone: +1-617-731-3510