Public access is of vital importance. Ensuring clear communication with increasingly diverse populations is often mandated by law and requires the help of a skilled translation services provider. Here’s how signage translation plays a key role in both facilitating public access and creating a more inclusive environment for all citizens.
Global Research Into Public Signage Translation
According to new statistics detailing the global use and geographic placement of over 7,000 languages worldwide in 2023, two languages remain undeniably dominant. As the world’s most popular language, English is spoken by approximately 19% of the global population with a little over 1.4 billion speakers, which consists of both native speakers and second language learners. However, Mandarin Chinese closely follows suit in numbers with over 1.1 billion speakers worldwide, which amount to approximately 14% of the global population as both native speakers and second language learners.
As these two languages cover a combined total of over 33% of the world’s population, it is a necessity that these languages be provided in city spaces to better enable public access. With the fast-growing numbers of speakers for both English and Mandarin Chinese, research on the implementation of translation for public and safety signage began in the early 2000’s. More specifically, research into English to Chinese translation has been conducted by a multitude of universities around the globe to better understand its effect in providing better public access to both citizens and visitors to these respective geographical locations.
The Effects Of Public Signage Translation
As every language requires a different approach to the way a linguist effectively translates its intended meaning, research has also been necessary to conclude the best way to enable public access through sign translation and localization services. While three different translation strategies are used in the translation of public signage, it has been found that using a literal translation method is the most preferred due to the number of limitations posed by the others, according to the University of Queensland. Earlier research conducted by Zhengzhou University showed that the effects of offering translations of safety signage information can have a multitude of effects for citizens in a metropolitan area, including:
- the acclamation of appropriate social behavior
- an increased rate of positive integration into the host city’s rules and regulations
- an increased rate of personal and professional productivity
How To Find A Public Signage Translation Provider
When deciding how to best provide public access through translation of public signs and safety information, it is best to consider your biggest language needed by representation in order to better serve the greatest amount of current and new potential clientele. However, it is important to note that not every sign and piece of safety information can be literally translated into the target language using amateur business translation services. Most public information must be carefully analyzed by linguistic experts such as those at Language Connections to provide your organization with the tools to successfully include proper translations for better public access. When public sign translation service are needed, we take every factor into consideration here at Language Connections to best fulfill your requirements.
About Language Connections:
Language Connections is one of the top language service companies in the US. Over the last 30 years, we’ve focused on providing the best business translation services, interpreting services, as well as interpreter training and customized language training programs. In addition to top-tier corporate language training, we offer certified corporate interpreters and professional business translation services in 200+ languages. Our network includes linguists with backgrounds in all major industries. They’re ready to meet your needs, whether they’re for technical translation services, legal translation, government translation services, international development translation services, education translation services, life sciences translation, or something else. Reach out to us today for a free quote on our cost-efficient and timely translation services, interpreters, or other linguistic services.
Language Connections Inc.
2001 Beacon Street, Suite 105,
Boston, MA 02135
Phone: +1-617-731-3510